What is a Flats Boat and what is it used for in the Keys?
What is a Flats Boat and what is it used for in the Keys? A Flats Boat, also known as [...]
What is a Flats Boat and what is it used for in the Keys? A Flats Boat, also known as [...]
Boat shoes- a Tarpon fisherman’s best friend! The best shoes to wear on a boat are simple and it is [...]
Date: 09/26/2010: iOutdoor fishing trip, Customer: Joe Del Giorno, Miami Tarpon Fishing Joe as he caught his largest Tarpon ever.... [...]
Offshore Fishing - What to Bring No matter how good your fishing skills are, sometimes, they are not simply enough [...]
Fly Fishing for Tarpon Tarpons pose as a great challenger for fly fishers for many reasons. They are huge, no [...]