Ducks in Florida

Ducks in Florida

Lake Okeechobee is considered to be the best place for duck hunting in Florida. It has shallow waters and an abundance of water plant species and fish. This makes it a favorite destination for migratory ducks. Thus, during duck hunting season, you’ll be able to bag several duck species but take note of the limits set for each species.

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  1. Mallard (limit: 4) The male has a grey body and an iridescent green head while the female and juvenile have a mottled brown body.
  2. Green-winged teal (limit: 2) This duck has a brown body with a small yellowish tail stripe, and an iridescent green patch with a white stripe on its wings.
  3. Blue-winged teal (limit: 2) A small duck, has a brown or grey body and large light blue patches located on the front of its wings. Males of this species have a white crescent face.
  4. Wood duck (limit: 3) This is a colorful medium-sized duck with a crest on its head, white patches in the face and neck, and a long tail.
  5. Mottled duck (limit: 1) It has a dark brown body while its neck and head are light browns. It has white underwing linings.
  6. Black duck (limit: 1) This large duck has a dark black-brown body but its head and neck are light browns. It has red legs and feet and has white underwing linings. It also has an olive green or greenish bill.
  7. Greater and Lesser Scaup (limit: 2) These two species have a round head but the Lesser Scaup has a slight bump at the back of its head. Males of both species have a black chest, head, and rear ends while the females are dull brown.

Other duck species that you can hunt in Florida include the Fulvous whistling duck (limit: 1), Redheads (limit: 2), Scoters (limit: 4), Pintail (limit: 1), and Canvasback (limit: 1).